The top 10 Free online courses and classes that you can take right now

Whilst we are all in lockdown, this is a great opportunity to brush up your skills. Money can be tight, so here are our top 10 free online courses from Online Courses Ninja and other websites that you can take right now. Not just First Aid, but a variety of topics

1. Coronavirus COVID-19

If you haven’t taken this class you should. You probably know everything it in, but there might be something new to learn. What it is, how it spreads, how to clean your hands. Properly. And much more.

2. Get moving, get healthy

Regular participation in physical activities can make you happier and reduce your risk of diseases like diabetes. This free course covers the health benefits of physical activity, how much you should be doing, the importance of diet and how you can incorporate exercise into your lifestyle.

Long walks are good, but doing some form of exercise to raise your heart rate is also very healthy.

3. Mental Health and wellbeing

Having your movements restricted for any period of time can have a negative effect on your mental health. Learn how to stay healthy mentally as well as physically

4. Countries of Europe challenge

Not really a course, but very addictive. Seterra have a number of quizzes to help you to learn to identify Countries, Capitals, rivers, tectonic plates, country flags and so on.

It has a great method of guiding you when your answers are wrong (after three wrong guesses, it lets you know, but your overall score depends on how many guesses you took)

It can be so hard to get 100% when you first start out and you think ‘just one more go’. Before you know it, the whole evening’s gone. The feeling when you do eventually get 100%, though….

5. Mathematics coaching Key Stage 1

School’s out and we are having to adjust to entertaining the kids for much longer than normal. How do you keep their education going in a way that engages them?

Carol Vorderman set up ‘The Maths Factor’ to assist in this. Normally a subscription costs £8.25 a month but it is currently being offered for Free.

6. Mathematics coaching Key Stage 2

See ‘5’, above

7. Understanding young minds

Thousands of children and young people in the UK are thought to be impacted by self-harm each year. Spotting the signs can be difficult, and approaching the subject with your children can be an uncomfortable experience.

This online course, ‘Talking to your children about emotional resilience and self-harm’, has been designed to provide you with a basic awareness of the subject to help you approach your children with confidence about the issue.

8. Family First Aid

If you are reluctant to go to the local hospital if you or a family member is injured, then what should you do?

Ambulance services are stretched, delaying their response should you need to call one. If it is serious, seconds and minutes can count. Would you know what to do?

Learn some basic first aid skills for free. This course is normally £24.95 + VAT. but is currently on offer for free (there is an option to buy a certificate for a small sum at the end but no obligation)

9. Infection prevention and control resource pack

Again, quite appropriate at the moment. This free resource pack is designed to give learners key information on how to prevent the spread of infection and best practice techniques for personal hygiene.

10. BBC Bitesize

A very comprehensive resource for children of all ages