The Emergency First Aid at Work qualification (EFAW) is ideal for most businesses whose risk assessment has identified that there is no requirement for a fully trained first aider for their workplace.
This 6-hour (1 day) course is for small and low risk Businesses. It is also suitable for instructors and trainers that run classes. e.g. yoga, swimming and martial arts teachers.
All courses are delivered, evaluated and quality assured to meet the new guidelines set out by the HSE in October 2013 and meet the requirements of the First Aid at Work (First Aid) regulations 1981 and subsequent 2016 changes. The EFAW course fully meets the UK and European Resuscitation Council Guidelines 2015 as per the HSE requirements.
Emergency First Aid at Work syllabus
To book onto a course, find the nearest on on our course Calendar. Ladybird will also come to you if you have a suitable venue for training. No staff travel and it can be arranged on a time and date to suit you.
The price for a private Group Booking (where you provide the venue) is £600 + vat.
This price is fully inclusive of course materials and a First Aid manual and electronic certificate for each student.
Email or call us to discuss further